Hendi Schwarzer
Administration Assistant
I started in the Childcare Industry at the age of 20, working through different roles from casual Educator, cook, Educator, Room Leader, administration and temporary Director as required.
An interstate move from Sydney to Brisbane provided an opportunity to work at QK Technologies (QikKids) on the support desk. My role changed throughout my time at QikKids from training through to Onboarding where I increased my knowledge on all QikKids products.
Upon leaving QikKids I moved into a role that saw me supporting Childcare Centre owners and their teams manage their QikKids on a daily and weekly basis, keeping their databases running efficiently and effectively. I had an integral part in the transition from CCMS to CCSS for these clients and continue to upskill constantly with the ever-changing CCS ‘world’.
I’m passionate about people! I really enjoy customer service, training and helping others reach their own goals.
Position: Administration Assistant